Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ray Sytes does T-Pain

He isn't #1 but he is far from being last, so check him out!

My name is Ray Sytes and I'm coming out soon with an album called "Guyanese Pride".Its a hip hop album that celebrates my caribbean heritage and also displays the hip hop culture. Recently I enetered a contest for T-Pain and made my own version of his song, pleasetake a listen to the song as i give props to guyana. Would you be kind enough to postmy link where other guyanese can listen and vote for the song.

My song on the T-Pain contest -

My music page -
http://www.myspace. com/sytesmusic
Thank you for your time, your ear and consideration.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awww...i luv ur music!! seriosusly!! barack music..double team..its cool man!!