Saturday, September 26, 2009

Gully vs Gaza

Well not exactly, but it's Jory vs Mr. Limpy.

I've been watching drama unfold with increasing interest since there are so many responses and chat backs.

In a nutshell Jory feels wronged by a promoter that has supposedly not paid him his monies for his performances. Using one of the promoter's faults, Jory successfully gets his point across without calling any names, lyrically it's brilliant, musically it's a lasting piece. Like any seh-seh story someone always have their piece to say, in jumps Fojo who used names and called both Jory and the promoter "Cry Baby." I didn't like this butting in, too many names being called. I guess I wasn't the only one because Ilaman jumps in with chat bout, where he calls Fojo a woman for getting into the seh-seh story. Alabama jumps in to attack with 2 songs, "Pay me" which was alright, it didn't seem like he took any sides just stating his position on being paid, however he butt back in with "What Jo don't know," heavily dissing Jory, calling him badminded and ungrateful, and possibly gay since he don't have a baby mother. Musically it sucked. Fire Fred, who I haven't heard in a while ain't tekking lef, he comes out swinging at Alabama. Alabama you in for a fight, try deh.

The art of fighting these musical wars is not using any names, which only Jory and Ilaman does, so I give it to them for this. The others need to watch it before somebody gets seriously hurt.

Why are both Alabama and Fire Fred dissing on Timeka?? What does she have to do with this? Yall don't try to pull down my girl, her video with Busy Signal premieres tonight in Jamaica. Can't wait.

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